They cobble the money together from somewhere and are partially subsidized by donations from other JWs. (I meant to say RETIRED full-time JWs)
a watcher
JoinedPosts by a watcher
Jehovah's Witness Retirement Homes and Senior Care
by Tahoe in
Covid Vx likened to Jesus ransom
by KerryKing inthis morning i decided to log into the local cong meeting on zoom, during the public talk the speaker likened the covid vx to jesus ransom sacrifice, saying that those who didn't avail of the vx, the 'anti vaxxers', are just like people who refuse to put faith in jesus.. i felt sick, knowing my unvxed but active jw parents were sitting there, i logged off immediately.
surely such talk is pure blasphemy or am i just over reacting?!.
i appreciate your thoughts, it will hopefully help me to approach my jw family with facts and logic, i'm praying they wake up fully and 'get out of her', i know they have reservations that's why they refused the vx..
a watcher
If I had been at that meeting in person I would have got up and walked out.
Jehovah's Witness Retirement Homes and Senior Care
by Tahoe in
a watcher
Wow. That video by Skeans bragging about how many ex-full time JWs are there. I guess there's no room for the rank and file.
Will the GB Eventually "observe" Tithing?
by Sea Breeze infound this on fb from the recent losch talk.
time for a new business model?.
a watcher
As for the Rapture, they conveniently forget about Rev 6:11 that says "...until the number was filled of their fellow slaves and their brothers who were about to be KILLED as they had been".
by Teddnzo ineven elders can be part of the new jw lite brigade these days.
they don’t need to go on door to door anymore and there is no requirement for anything really.. taking meeting parts is all dead easy you could turn up on the day with zero preparation because it’s all in the meeting workbook.. quarterly elders meetings are just old men having a good old natter just like old men do down the pub.. congregations could be likened to pubs or bars these days just without the drinks, those come at other times.. no need for territory maps, these almost went away with covid letter writing now they are extremely slow getting finished as those who still go door to door only do ten mins.. you could even voice your questions these days about things the gb say and then just say “we can’t be dogmatic we just don’t know”.
i predict they will say this about 1914 soon..
a watcher
JWLITE seems similar to 'quiet quitting'.
found a tract at my door/with a catch!
by enoughisenough ini found a tract at my door.
it was from a local baptist church!
( actually,i think someone wanted to give me a donation for the left over yardsale items i gave away.
a watcher
I routinely give homeless people a tract with $5 in it.
The Watchtower—Study Edition | December 2023 ...Are you marriage material?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | december 2023. study article 52. young sisters—become mature christian women.
18 you may choose to get married.
the qualities and skills that we have discussed will help you to become a capable wife.
a watcher
joe, hours still count for pioneers.
The Watchtower—Study Edition | December 2023 ...Are you marriage material?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | december 2023. study article 52. young sisters—become mature christian women.
18 you may choose to get married.
the qualities and skills that we have discussed will help you to become a capable wife.
a watcher
Wow, joey. If a brother was doing all that AND working, when would he have time for his wife?
Six minute video of WTBT$ begging for money, now on JWBorg website
by EasyPrompt insix minute video of wtbt$ begging for money, now on jwborg website.
"thank you for 'setting something aside'" robert butler.
a watcher
They're referencing 1 Cor. 16:1,2, but that collection was for needy INDIVIDUALS, not a corporation.
I’m not sure what this means!
by NeedsProof inyesterday i was visited by 2 witnesses, and we had a long chat about lots of things!
one of them named claire took the lead and i instantly felt some sort of connection to her, after we had spoken and they had left i started to have this overwhelming feeling to research her and what she had spoken about but i couldn’t find her anywhere on any website or social media, so i left it and thought nothing more of it all day….
however the strange thing is i had a dream that night and claire was in it, many things happened in this dream that i was told i was only allowed to speak about with claire, i can speak of the dream to others but the details only me and claire can know!
a watcher
Claire will probably do a return visit with you in a week or two. Be patient and if you are so inclined, pray about it.